Mission Statement

When there is no more shame in being Bald,

The world will no longer need The Bald Wall.

Until that day, the Wall stands

As a celebration of our culture and all it has brought to the world

Every Bald head is another brick in the Wall

So add your brick and join us



6 Responses to Mission Statement

  1. […] Mission Statement […]

  2. Adam Howe says:

    i’ve been bald all my life… thanks to my dad and his bald genes. It hurts me deep down, and i think it affects me emotionally as 99% of the time, i have a cold head. Sometimes i embrace being bald, other times i just want to curl up into a ball and cry. But i need to stay strong, as i know i no longer have a chance of growing hair. I suppose you can’t miss something if you have never had it..

  3. daniel curry says:

    im sporting the shaved head style,its easier to take care of,plus lots of women like it.

  4. […] other than sultry “Transformers 2″ actress Megan Fox, who revealed her newly bald pate last night at the premiere for Seth Rogen laffer “Observe And […]

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