FREE BOWE! Bald Held Hostage by Hairy Beards

July 20, 2009
Haired Hatemongers.

Haired Hatemongers.

It gets no Hairier than the tribal regions of Afghanistan, where the average 12-year-old already has a beard that would make Santa turn red.  Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, a Bald U.S. soldier serving his country in the far east, found this out the hard way.  After wandering too far into enemy territory, he was captured and is now being held hostage at the whims of Haired madmen!

Watch the terrible Taliban video below (WARNING:  may make your Hairs stand on end):

The Bald Wall will keep you updated on Bergdahl’s story.  In the meantime, keep Bowe in your thoughts and prayers!  Let’s show these Hairs that Balds will never bow down before their grimy beards and assuredly unshaven ’70’s bushes!  You mess with one of us, you mess with ALL OF US!

This Bald don't run.

This Bald don't run.


Off with our heads?

Off with our heads?

After their much-heralded Joe The Plumber character failed to earn John McCain the presidency, who could have guessed that the GOP would turn against Balds so venomously?  Republican and Haired Fox News analyst Ralph Peters is on TV calling for the Taliban to EXECUTE Bergdahl (!).  Apparently in Peters’ eyes, a head with no Hair isn’t worth the neck it’s attached to.

Via Raw Story.

The Saddest Bald Story of 2009 So Far

May 29, 2009
Really?  REALLY?

Really? REALLY?

There is nothing more indicative of Bald Shame than this “Dear Prudence” letter on Slate today, entitled, “My husband thinks I don’t know he wears a hairpiece”.  Read it and weep:

As we lay in bed one night, I noticed what looked like hairspray or gel buildup on his hairline. He was fast asleep, so I went to scratch it off, and what I thought was gel turned out to be the tape of his toupee! Here he had been wearing a toupee all this time, and I never had the faintest idea.


Go ahead, have a laugh.

Bald Benjamins

May 14, 2009

tebe_interesno at live journal decided to see how the great men featured on our currency would look if they decided to go Bald. 

I cannot tell a lie-- He looks good.

I cannot tell a lie-- He looks good.


Shave and a haircut, 2 bits.


Now imagine how good it would look with the stovetop hat.

Now imagine how hot that would look with the stovetop hat.


Maybe if Hamilton had shaved his head, he would have been president.

Maybe if Hamilton had shaved his head, he would have been president.

It's all about the Benjamin.

It's all about the Benjamin.

EMMSCLUSIVE: Video of Emma Heming @ Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

May 6, 2009

-"Hello?"  -"Yippee ki yay, motherf@^&er."

-"Hello?" -"Yippee ki yay, motherf@^&er."

When Alpha Bald Bruce Willis picked Emma Heming out of a casting call on “Perfect Stranger” and married her out of nowhere in a whirlwind romance, few had even heard of the young lingerie model.  Media outlets scrambled for pictures of the Bald-loving beauty.

But when it comes to anything in the Willisphere, no one beats The Bald Wall to the punch.  We’ve unearthed a brief clip of the bride-to-be practicing her walk down the aisle in the 2001 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.  Brace yourself… for the Bimpress:

Run Emma Run.

Emma gaaawd.


*Click here for more Emma Heming!

BALD SPOT: The Bimp & Bimpress Arrive at the Ball

May 6, 2009
Bounce light.

Bounce light.

SPOTTEDThe Bimp and his bethrothed arrive for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute Gala in New York, looking positively Emmaculate!

The Head carpet treatment.

The Head carpet treatment.

Hollywood Hot for Bald Bruce

May 6, 2009
Boogie Bald.

Boogie Bald.

Has there ever been a better time to be Bruce Willis?  For some reason everyone from the Hollywood trades to the NY gossip mags decided to just spend some ink today raving about how awesome he is.  From THR:

A Star Is Shorn.

A Star Is Shorn.

Action stars may lose their currency as they move into their 50s. But Bruce Willis keeps on raking in the offers.

The star, who turned 54 last month, has been in discussions to shoot and fight his way through three action pics — a thriller for NuImage/Millenium titled “Inventory,” the CIA tale “Red” for Summit and the mob biopic “Scarpa” for Morgan Creek.

And NY Daily News says Willis has reached his “golden age”.  We must agree.  Though his long storied career has occasionally found him in some Hairy situations, His Baldness has come out on top, seemingly shaving the years off like so much scalp fuzz.

NEWS FLASH:  It’s good to be The Bimp.

The Bimp Browse

May 5, 2009

That's not a Rumer.

Despite Bimp Bruce Willis‘s recent nuptials to the stunning Emma Heming, The Bimp himself was caught sneaking a peek at young starlet Kate Bosworth at an event on Monday.  Of course, Bosworth’s battled with the Bald and lost before in the stinker Superman Returns.

But who can blame the Bimp for browsing– he’s Bald, not blind!


UPDATE: Not the first time!

Mercury Rising...

Mercury Rising...

Striking Distance.

Striking Distance.

Joe the (even) Dumber

May 5, 2009
Plumbing the depths.

Plumbing the depths.

Is The Bald Wall going to have to revoke another member this week?  We were never exactly fans of Joe the Plumber, but the guy had a good head on his shoulders (aesthetically-speaking).  But after this interview with Hair-rag Christianity Today, we might have to put said head on the chopping block.  Via Huff Post:

Christianity Today: In the last month, same-sex marriage has become legal in Iowa and Vermont. What do you think about same-sex marriage at a state level?

Buncha flags...

Buncha flags...

Wurzelbacher: At a state level, it’s up to them. I don’t want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it’s wrong. People don’t understand the dictionary–it’s called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It’s not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we’re supposed to do–what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we’re supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I’ve had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they’re people, and they’re going to do their thing.

As much as it pains us to remove such an honest-to-Bald melon from our list, this is not The Bigot Wall.  Yet is Joe the Plumber, a clear fool, truly the responsible party here?  Or is the larger organization interviewing him the true culprit responsible for shaping his beliefs?



Upon closer examination, Christianity is one of the most Hair-centric religions of all.  Every major character, from Jesus to Moses to Abraham, has long locks and full beards.  There’s even a hero, Samson, whose power comes entirely from his Hair!

In fact, the only major Bald in the Bible just so happens to be its darkest, most fiendish creation.  The epitome of evil, like a bronze-age Lex Luthor.  The arch-nemesis of every Holier-than-thou Hair who ever picked up a staff and led the Jews to some slaughter or another.

Thus, a fitting solution worthy of Solomon.  Joe the Plumber stays on The Bald Wall (albeit with a strongly dishonorable mention).  And from now on, he’ll be sharing space with the cellmate he so rightfully deserves:




May 4, 2009

It's not a game, Fox.

Fox plays a dangerous game.

Fringe’s Mysterious “Observer” Furthers Myth of Bald Evil and All Around Creepiness

Bald Spotters might have noticed that Michael Cerveris, who plays “Fringe”‘s very own version of “The X-Files”‘ Cigarette Smoking Man as the Bald and otherwordly Observer, has been making the rounds on TV lately.  Fox has strategically placed him in the audience of “American Idol” and various sports events (everything from a Yankees game to a NASCAR race) to help bolster interest in the show.

But at what expense?

Now “Fringe” has seen fit to hint that there are even more of these Bald figures who will begin popping up on the show.  A recent episode featured a child Observer even creepier than Cerveris.

What joys do we have to look forward to next?  Pacey fighting an army of all-powerful, world-conquering Balds?

The abyss stares back, Cerveris.

The abyss stares back, Cerveris.

Whether these Observers end up being forces of evil or impartial supernatural figures has yet to be seen.  Either way, this is sure to have a negative impact on Balds everywhere, branding us once again as outsiders — weird, alien-like “others”.  Can Jim Crow laws be far behind?  (On the bright side, no more long hairs floating in the water fountain!)

Already any Bald unfortunate enough to step into the vicinity of a Fox viewer has likely suffered the indignity of hearing, “Hey, you look just like that creepy guy on “Fringe!” from a hapless Hair.

That more of us will suffer this same fate is as certain as the fact that none of us will wake up tomorrow with bedhead.

Michael Cerveris, you’ve done a disservice to all Balds.  You traded our scalps to Rupert Murdoch for thirty pieces of silver and a walk-on in the new Orlando Jones movie.  In the immortal words of Billy Zane (a real Bald), “I hope you enjoy your time together!”

Membership…  Revoked!

I hope you can sleep at night, Mike.

I hope you can sleep at night, Mike.

GOP Bashes Balds

April 30, 2009


First Democrat Joe Biden made some jokes at our expense.  Now the Gay Old Pervs are getting in on the fun.  Seems one Ohio Repub is in hot water for comparing a Bald pic of switch-hitter Arlen Spector with an equally Bald pic of Dr. Evil.  Quick… what’s funnier than Bald jokes?  Cancer jokes!

CINCINNATI (AP) — An Ohio Republican leader is being criticized for a blog post that used a photo of Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, bald from chemotherapy, and one of the hairless Dr. Evil from the “Austin Powers” movies.

The webpage in question:

The photos drew charges of insensitivity from Tim Burke, the Democratic chairman in Hamilton County…  He sent a news release Wednesday with the headline “Republican Party Ridicules Cancer Patient.” Specter has battled Hodgkin’s disease.

[Hamilton County GOP Chairman] Alex Triantafilou …said Burke needed to “lighten up.”

The Republicans have never been big fans of minorities, and Balds are no exception.  But, as in many cases, they reached their nadir with former president George W. Bush, who never met a Bald he didn’t immediately proceed to noogie:

Bush gets some head from fellow Republican/homosexual prostitute Jeff Gannon.

...and again...



BALD SPOT: Katzenberg & Friends

April 30, 2009
"Uh-oh...  spidey sense tingling..."

"Uh-oh... spidey sense tingling..."

SPOTTED:  Power Bald Jeffrey Katzenberg at the Lakers game with Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio, neither of whom have ever manned up and gone full Bald for a role.  Katzenberg has been a frequent name on Forbes’ Richest 400 list, topping out at #288 in 2002…   putting him only 287 spots behind Daddy Warbucks.

“BALD”: The Making Of THX1138

April 29, 2009
Peer pressure works.

Lice-free since 1971.

Dig this short documentary (via Dailymotion) about the making (and particularly, the shaving) of George Lucas’s debut “THX 1138”.  In the doc, Lucas, always progressively Bald-friendly in his casting choices, faces down a typical Hollywood Baldist who simply can’t imagine that any girl will be willing to shave her precious long locks for his silly little Bald flick.

Where does “THX 1138” rank in the Greatest Bald Films Of All Time?

The Bald and the Porn Star

April 29, 2009
Baldie Nights.

Baldie Nights.

Bald auteur Steven Soderbergh premiered his new film “The Girlfriend Experience” at the Tribeca Film Festival yesterday:

The scripted movie, which tells the story of a $2000/hour call girl juggling a boyfriend and professional demands, features porn star Sasha Grey in the leading role.

Despite the casting, Soderbergh’s film supposedly has no sex and minimal nudity.

Sasha Grey.

The new Bald muse.

But don’t let the movie’s purported lack of skin fool you:  Soderbergh’s Bald credentials are as solid as ever.  His new ingenue isn’t just some porn star he randomly plucked out of the jizz biz; she’s an existentialist film-buff and a former flame of Bald Waller Billy Corgan.  In the words of Kurupt, “And then I’m through with it, there’s nothing else to do with it. Pass it to the homie, now you hit it.”

This film just moved up 50 points on the Bald radar.  Watch the preview below, and visit the Huffington Post for more pics.

Will you be laying down your money for this “Girlfriend Experience”?

Berry on Baldwatch

April 22, 2009

halle20berry2001201105THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!

As the world awaits the birth of a purrrrfectly pretty new Bald (with both an Academy Award and a Razzie to her name), we here at The Bald Wall will keep you up to date on the Last Days of Halle’s Hair.

The Last Days Of Halle Hairy

The Last Days Of Halle Hairy

Truth be told, Halle is practically an honorary Bald already.  Not only did she star in Fred Durst’s “Behind Blue Eyes” video (as Durst’s love interest — now that’s acting!), it was her film with Bruce Willis that led to him selecting meeting his bimptastic new wife (and yes, there was that John Travolta “Swordfish” movie if you’re keeping count).

If you ask us, it’s high-time Halle joined our ranks for real.  But we like how she’s stretching it out for maximum anticipation — this is one actress who knows how to milk a moment.


Stretch it out, Halle.

SPLIT ENDS: In a Panic, Statham Agrees to “The Mechanic”

April 22, 2009

Winner's "Mechanic".


Wigger's "Mechanic"?

If “Crank 2” didn’t give you enough Bald for your buck, you won’t like the sound of this:  desperate to retool his gears after dropping a box-office lemon, Jason Statham just signed on to a remake of Michael Winner’s Hair-heavy 1972 actioneer “The Mechanic”.  In it, he’ll take on the flip-haired character originally played by the legendary Charles Bronson.

Watch this video of Bronson’s Hair in action, and tell us this role wouldn’t be more fitting for “Crank”-conqueror Zac Efron instead:

Real good choice, Hairywood.  In any event, it remains to be seen how the Wannabald will handle his head this go round:  has he learned his lesson?  Will he finally trim down?  Or totally wig out?

The Bald’s in your court, Mr. Statham.

From ComingSoon.

Mario Jumps on the Baldwagon; Berry right behind

April 22, 2009

Following in the footsteps of his R&B peer Cassie, “Braid My Hair” singer Mario did an about face this week and took the clippers down to zero:

Mario Bros.

Mario Bros.

What do you think?  Is Mario the next Britney, or just another celeb jumping on the Baldwagon?

Berrah Fawcett.

Berrah Fawcett.

Speaking of Baldwagon, stay tuned for Halle Berry’s upcoming stunt sacrifice to her craft.  The “Catwoman” star is promoting her plans to go extensionless for her new movie “Nappily Ever After”.

What’s the deal?  Are all these people just trying to sleep with Emma Heming?

Via Singersroom.

Statham’s Semi-Baldness Grabs Semi-Box Office

April 21, 2009
Jason needs a jump.

Jason needs a jump.

Balds everywhere hoped that Jason Statham‘s “Crank: High Voltage” would repeat the numbers Vin Diesel’s “Fast and Furious” did a few weekends ago and keep Balds on top of the box office.  But alas, that Bald movie magic apparently does not carry over to Wannabalds.  “Crank” opened at #6 with a measly $6.5 million, soundly defeated by the Hairricane of Zac Efron’s “17 Again”.

Statham can take little comfort in the fact that “Crank” at least opened at #1 in Germany — that country has always had an affinity for Balds, though not the kind the biggest b-movie star in the world would want to be associated with.

Bald Who?

April 21, 2009

"What are you lookin' at, Zane?"


"My new job."

ABC’s “Samantha Who?” is trading out one Bald for another.  The inappropriately monikered “Hit-man” Timothy Olyphant has been replaced by the slightly-Balder and significantly-bimper Billy Zane.  Will Haired viewers even notice the difference?

And has anyone ever heard of this show before?


April 21, 2009

That’s right, that is a question mark at the end of our headline.  Why?  Because we aren’t quite sure whether Jason Statham IS Bald.

Is he or isn't he?

Is he or isn't he?

What do you call this?  Certainly he can’t walk amongst the Haired as one of them — their full languid locks are a world away from his close cropped fuzz.

Yet, said fuzz IS there, undeniably.  Sure, the average passerby might glance in Statham’s direction and see a Bald, but closer inspection reveals a fine layer of compromise surrounding his cranium.  If the S.S. ever came to take the Balds away, Statham could point at his fuzz and say “Not me, mate– I’m a Hair”.  But until then, he is perfectly happy being mistaken as a Bald and building a career off the ensuing heat.

On the razor's edge of Baldness.

On the razor's edge of Baldness.

This is Faux Baldness, whether we like to admit it or not.  And we don’t.  Most Balds will readily admit to being huge fans of Statham and his punchy pictures.  And clearly he’s been happy to ride our fandom all the way to the bank.  But though his films have brought joy to Balds everywhere and in a subconscious way we have taken him under our wing as one of our own (at least in comparison to Haired action stars like Tom Cruise), we must face the truth and admit that Jason Statham is neither Hair nor there.  It is clear he sees himself as a badass Bald like Michael Chiklis or the Bimp.  But despite his dreams of Bimpness, something prevents him from grabbing the razor and going all the way.

There is a term for this kind of person.

Jason Statham is a WannaBald.

Sorry, Statham -- it's a wash.

Sorry, Statham -- it's a wash.

The best we here at the Bald Wall can offer him is an HDM:  an honorable dishonorable mention.  Yes, he has brought us some added toughness in the mind of the public, and yes, his successes reflect well on all of us, but that reflection is not coming off of a clear, shiny scalp — instead, it is a reflection tainted and refracted in a weird distorted “Natural Born Killers” way by a myriad of patchy Hairs so tiny and yet so clearly vital to their owner’s self-image.  No matter how much we welcome him into our arms, Jason Statham will always keep one foot in the Haired society he came from.


A country of clingers.

Just as his country desperately clung to its colonies long after the world knew that its empire had crumbled, Jason Statham clings to the little Hair he has left for no other reason than he can’t.  Let.  Go.

Our only hope is that the math catches up to him:  if he compares the box office for his latest film “Crank” (#6) with the box office two weeks ago of True Bald Vin Diesel’s “Fast And Furious” (#1), maybe he’ll see that if you want the big bucks — the Daddy Warbucks — you can’t Half-Assie Baldness.  Winners go down to the skin, plain and simple.  Until he learns that lesson, Jason Statham will continue to languish in his unique, limbo position of 2nd place stardom — the world’s biggest b-movie star.

(And that’s a lowercase “b”, mind you.)

Who are you really fighting, Jason?

Who are you really fighting, Jason?

Is Jason Statham One of Us?

April 17, 2009
Does this count as electrolysis?

Does this count as electrolysis?

Crank 2: High Voltage opens in theatres today, and it’s time to ask a question that’s been bothering us all at the Bald Wall for awhile: Is closely-shaved actor Jason Statham officially Bald or not?

You decide.


Do you think I'm Bald?

Tell me, do you think I'm Bald?

Actress Oscar Bait 101: Shave Your Head

April 16, 2009

Shaving a wig just doesn't cut it.Shaving a wig just doesn’t cut it.

It takes courage for a woman to shave her head, even when it’s for a lucrative role in a movie– courage that Cameron Diaz apparently didn’t have.  She’s attracting buzz for appearing Bald in the trailer for the new movie My Sister’s Keeper.  But relax, Cameron’s just Trippin, she’s only shaving a Bald cap, and didn’t actually go Bald for the part . Thus, Cammie squanders her last chance of being taken seriously as an actress.

Pop a cap on her ass.

Pop a cap on her ass.

My Sister’s Keeper is sure to be a weeper and possible Oscar bait.  Let’s look at the facts– Little Miss Sunshine Abigail Breslin stars as a child genetically engineered by her parents to save her cancer stricken older sister, played by newcomer Sofia Vassilieva, the true Bald heroine of the pic.  Breslin and Vassielieva were cast as the Keeper-sisters after wunderkind actress Dakota Fanning refused to go Bald for the part (or to let her up and coming younger sister Elle Fanning share the spotlight with the titular role).

Sofia Vassilieva: Baldly Going Where Cameron Wouldn't Dare

Sofia Vassilieva: Baldly Going Where Cameron Wouldn't Dare

But that’s when Sofia Vassilieva seized her opportunity to go for Oscar gold and prove that there’s a new wunderkind on the block.  She said, ” There are scripts when you fall so much in love with your character. And if you are lucky and offered this part you should not tempt your fate and go to the greatest extent to be/to play this character. If you have an opportunity to do that and you do not, it’s shameful. Shaving my head was the least I could do for Kate to experience the degree of her isolation and outcast from a ‘normal’ healthy life. Playing Kate was like balancing between two realities.”

You know who else is Bald?

I rest my case.

I rest my case.


UPDATE: Well, well, look who’s next in line!


April 12, 2009

Well, well, well. Vin Diesel’s got the #1 movie in the country, Bruce Willis has a Victoria’s Secret model wearing his ring, Bald is being declared “cool” in the papers, and all of a sudden everybody’s breaking out the clippers in a race to the bandwagon.  Case in point:

Some shallow-end pussy shit.

Her better half.

What?  You don’t recognize her?  Why, that’s pretty-girl-who-wants-to-be-a-singer-and-an-actress-and-a-princess Cassie, who decided to try and catch some of that current Bald Heat for herself…  but apparently thought she could get away with just a little on the side.

Nah, sister.  No matter what your Haired Svengali Puff Diddy thinks, you can’t just sample Bald.  You want to sell albums, you go all the way. Otherwise, you’re trying to play both sides of the court, and let’s face it:  you’re no Michael Jordan.

Via TMZ.

How To Be A Player.

How To Be A Player.

34 (That’s not to say we’re above posting a gallery of her.)

Mike Tyson challenges Vin Diesel for Box Office Belt

April 10, 2009

The kid gloves are off.

The kid gloves are off.

Vin Diesel better watch his rearview, because coming up fast behind him is fellow Bald Wall Bruiser Iron Mike Tyson with his own movie, the creatively-named “Tyson”.  Tyson’s long career has had its share of ups and rape sentences, but now in middle-age and comfortably Bald, the former champ has apparently mellowed to such a degree that he was able to sit down with LA Weekly long enough to do an in-depth interview without biting anyone’s ear off.  Check it out:

Bald is not neccesarily beautiful in every case.

Bald is not neccesarily beautiful in every case.

All-New Emma Heming runway pics (NSFW)

April 10, 2009
See Emma walk.

See Emma walk.

The Bimpress is back!  Enjoy these highly NSFW pics of Bruce Willis‘s blushing bride strutting her stuff at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

INTERVIEW: Joe the Plumber

April 9, 2009
Dumb and Plumber.

Dumb and Plumber.

Watch Haired comedian/political provocateur Bill Maher interview Joe the Plumber on his Friday-night “Real Time With Bill Maher” show.

ATTN: Bald Rock Star Seeks New Drummer

April 9, 2009
Corgan needs an extra set of hands.

Billy Corgan needs an extra set of hands.

Wanna be the Smashing Pumpkins’ new drummer?  Turns out Bald frontman Billy Corgan has over time alienated his former bandmates to the point that he is now the only remaining member in the band, despite his very-public begging for their companionship (maybe it had something to do with his tequila problem?).

Nobody wants to play with me.

Nobody wants to play with me.

No matter — Corgan is taking his case to the public and launching an American Idol-style search for the lucky percussionist who will become his new drummer/ indentured dumb-costume-wearer! If you’re in Los Angeles, email background information, photos and videos to and you could be invited to saunter over to an undisclosed L.A. location tomorrow to perform for His Hairless himself!

Break a leg!

This could be you.

This could be you.

P.S.  If you don’t make the cut, we hear this Bald Rocker lost his band members, too…

Bald Sinners and Saints

April 9, 2009


How's My Hair?

Do you have an opinion on my hair?

Unfortunately, this fellow falls in the Bald Sinners category. Excited to be making an appearance on MSNBC, Jon Najarian decided to sport a formal upswept hair-don’t.  He’s a co-founder of the blog (I’m not sure that’s the right link–if it is, his blog is almost as bad as his Bald-style).

Hopefully, Jon tivo-ed his television appearance, and upon watching it will realize that he needs to shave off that Star Trek meets David Crosby he’s rocking in the back. Please, Jon Najarian… go Bald.

A Profile: Sins Against Baldmanity

A Profile: Sins Against Baldmanity


Via Jezebel.

UPDATE: Wait a minute, this is Najarian’s real blog  MSNBC’s caption was hilariously wrong, and the real link is a gem because I found Jon’s almost identically Bald brother Pete.

Expert Insights-- Into Everything Except Our Own Hair

Expert Insights-- Into Everything Except The Hair On Our Heads

Is Billy Corgan Smashing Munchkins?

April 7, 2009
Zeroes and Ones.

Zero and one.

Yes, that’s Smashing Pumpkins whiner Billy Corgan with miniature myspace minx Tila Tequila on the red carpet last night.  Short or not, she’s quite a step up from the first celebrity gal he squired, and another proud notch in the belt for our favorite Bald Rock Star (sorry, fellas).

Click here for more Tila!

Obligatory Tequila shot.

Big Apple blames the Bailout on Balds?

April 7, 2009
Bald and Balder.

Bald and Balder.

That bastion of Baldism Ny Mag has a page dedicated to identifying the Bald bankers behind the bottomless bailout (because we all look the same to you, right?).

This broad-brush painting of Balds as wealthy white collar villains pulling the strings of society is a long-standing meme in fiction as well as journalism.  It’s not going away any time soon, but at least we can console ourselves with some of the cunningly cool characters created in its wake:

Daddy Warbucks.

Daddy Warbucks.

President Luthor.

President Luthor.

The Kingpin

Pitt, Portman to go Head-to-Head onscreen

April 7, 2009
Bald Pitt.

Bald Pitt.

Bald Portman.

Bald Portman.

Honorary Bald-Stars Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman are set to get it on in Paramount’s sure-to-be-retitled “Important Artifacts and Personal Property From the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion and Jewelry”.  What the…?:

Pitt, 45, and Portman, 28, have been cast in [the] new romantic comedy in which he will play an aging photographer and she a New York Times food columnist, Variety reports.

Is it just us, or is Hollywood pulling out all the stops to make this film seem as boring as humanly possible?  The awful title, the banal jobs…  Next thing you know they’ll be telling us that Pitt and Portman will go Haired for their roles.  Snooooooze.



Ah well, there’s always hope for the Unrated dvd release…  that is, if they can fit an extra word on the box cover.

It Pays Not to Toupee

April 7, 2009

Hi There.  Like Balderdash and everyone else here at the BaldWall, I’m a strong advocate of just facing facts and shaving your head when faced with male pattern Baldness.  This blog is a form of intervention against bad hairpieces– and yes, I’m looking at you, Joe Biden. And you, Bret Michaels.

This Bud Light commercial spotlights what can go horribly wrong with toupees.  Gentleman– please set your follicles free and let your dome shine with pride!

That is all.


The Bald and the Beautiful


April 7, 2009

Check out this penultimate post for Sigourney Weaver on our sister site The Bald And Beautiful.  And mind your manners — Weaver could singlehandedly kick the ass of half our Bald Wall list (minus this fine fellow).

How cool is Ripley?  Let’s put it this way:  John McClane is a cool-ass character.  But it took 4 movies for John McClane to achieve what Ripley did in 3.  Gender, schmender — a tougher Bald would be difficult to find.  All Hail the Queen:



Vice President Biden puts Baldness in the spotlight

April 6, 2009
Hair to the throne.

Hair to the throne.

Vice President of the United States Joe Biden yesterday scored some laughs at Balds’ expense with a self-depreciating gag on his wispy white Hair:

Pointing to [Announcer Jim] Palmer’s scalp, the V.P. blurted out: “If I had this guy’s Hair, I might have had a shot in the primaries.” Removing his cap, Biden added: “You know… Look, there ain’t a whole lot there.”



See the video with your own eyes here (the “laughs” start at 1:45).

If Vice President Biden wants to put the spotlight on Baldness and its role in American politics, there’s no better place to start than with his own illustrious career.

Growing into office.

Growing into office.

Joe Biden became a Senator in 1973 and first ran for President in 1988 at the height of ’80’s era Baldism.  After a resounding defeat in the primaries, it is apparent that Biden drew the same conclusion from his loss that he joked about yesterday:

“If I had this guy’s Hair, I might have had a shot in the primaries.”

What happened next is not entirely known, a puzzle that can only be partly pieced together from archival footage and inside-the-Beltway hearsay.  What we do know is this:

That’s right.  Somehow, over a two-decade period while the country was occupied with taxes, blowjobs, and Iraq, Joe Biden went from this:





to this:

“Unbelievable” barely scratches the surface of this follicle feat.  Was it a miraculous reptile-like regeneration of lost cells?  Or a cynical ploy to pull the Hair over voters’ eyes?  Only Joe knows fo’ sho’.

But one thing is for certain:  the Side-Haired Senator who lost a Presidential campaign twenty years ago now sits comfortably in the Executive Branch — a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the land — with a head full of Hair and a lot of questions to answer.

BIMPWATCH: The Bimp Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award

April 6, 2009
Beauty and The Bimp.

Beauty and The Bimp.

Alpha-Bald Bruce Willis (a.k.a. The Bimp) was honored this weekend with the Sonoma International Film Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his roles in Bald classics like “Pulp Fiction”, “12 Monkeys”, and “Live Free or Die Haired”.



"So I'm thinking about shaving it off for Fight Club, but I don't know...  what do you think?"

"So I'm thinking about shaving it off for Fight Club..." "Do it, kid."

It was also the Bimp’s first public appearance with Victoria’s Secret model Emma Heming since the two tied the knot — and as usual, the nubile newlywed was looking hot enough to put sweat on your scalp!

Skin is in.

Skin is in.

Bald To The Future: Meet Obama’s Green Machine

April 6, 2009
Sunz of Man.

Sunz of Man.

Dig this interview with President Obama’s new Special Advisor on Environmental Quality Van Jones.  The founder of Green For All and bestselling author of 2008’s “The Green Collar Economy” is helping to shape the Administration’s climate and energy policies.

Jones believes that saving the environment and saving the job market could go hand-in-hand.  He also knows that a thick head of Hair attracts heat, and does his part to battle global warming by reflecting the sun’s rays back into the atmosphere with his shiny Bald pate.

Miss Virginia Will Take It All Off For Money

April 6, 2009
Wanna see her shaved?

Wanna see her shaved?

Beauty contest winner and reigning Miss Virginia Tara Wheeler has vowed to shave her head if she can raise $500,000 for pediatric cancer research.  But so far Wheeler’s take is still in the 5-digits, and the deadline is less than a week away.

…if Wheeler falls short, she vows to shave her head anyway — she’ll just wait until she’s finished her reign this summer. “Society needs to take a second look at how we deem someone pretty,” she said, explaining why she was drawn to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Bravo to Tara for seeing the beauty in Bald.  If you want to pitch in, you can donate to her cause at the St. Baldrick’s Foundation website.

Paloma Jimenez photos

April 5, 2009

Vinner takes all.

Vinner takes all.

Enjoy this gallery of Vin Diesel‘s magnificent mamacita Paloma Jimenez!  (NSFW)

Bald Is Back: “Fast And Furious” Breaks B.O. Records

April 5, 2009
Back and Balder than ever.

ReVinge is a dish best served Bald.

All of Hollywood is pulling their Hair out today trying to figure out how “Fast And Furious” made a record-smashing $72 million over the weekend.  But we here at the Bald Wall weren’t surprised at all.  When you look at these other record-breaking debuts, a pattern clearly emerges:


“xXx” –  $46 million


“Live Free or Die Hard” –   $48.3 million (most successful “Die Hard” in the series)

kevin-spacey-thumb“Superman Returns” –  $53.5 million

dr-manhattan-thumbnail“Watchmen” –  $55.2 million

imhotep“The Mummy Returns” –   $70.1 million

dr-evil“Austin Powers in Goldmember” –  $73 million

will-smith-thumb-1‘I Am Legend” –  $77.2 million  (highest December opening weekend ever)

morpheus-thumb“The Matrix Reloaded” –  $91.8 million  (biggest debut ever for an R-rated film)

patrick-stewart-thumb-1“X-Men:  The Last Stand” –  $107 million  (largest Memorial Day weekend opening ever)

Get the message, Hairywood.  Bald puts butts in the seats.  Better start expanding theaters for Crank 2 while you can.

And a hard-earned standing ovation to Bald Wall member Vinny D!!!

paloma_jimenez_jr_20080606Click here to see Vin’s vivacious wife Paloma Jimenez!

UPDATE: $30 Million In One Day!!!

April 4, 2009



Bald action star Vin Diesel silenced his Haired haters on Friday, as “Fast And Furious” grossed an astonishing $30 million in one day!

“FAST AND FURIOUS” Review: Diesel Still Bald

April 3, 2009
Some things never change.

Shorn Again.

Mal Vincent at the Virginian-Pilot has an exclusive “FAF” review!  And from the sound of things, the movie’s got plenty of skin:

Vin Diesel returns his smooth pate to center screen today in “Fast & Furious”...  In doing so, he brings the conversation about bald heroes and anti-heroes to a head.

Click here for the rest!


April 2, 2009
This picture is hilarious.
The Bald Stallone.

Will Smith.


Bruce Willis.

Jason Statham.

Jason Statham.

The guy who played Hitman.

The "Hitman" guy.

If there’s anything the 2000’s have taught Hollywood, it should be this:  America likes our action heroes Bald.  British Bald Jason Statham has racked up an impressive stream of moneymakers, while established actors like Will Smith and Bruce Willis found their biggest audiences in years with Bald-centric actioneers.

This wasn’t always the case.

In the 20th Century, Balds in cinema were relegated to supporting roles at best.  They were either clumsy doofuses or diabolical villains — and sometimes both. stereotypes. stereotypes.

Balds couldn’t take these negative stereotypes lying down.  Taking a cue from their African-American brothers, Balds in the 1970’s produced gritty Baldsploitation filmmaking that showed Balds could not only play Leads, but be just as heroic, badass, and sexual as their Haired counterparts.  But their budgets were no match for a Hairobsessed Hollywood, and despite their valiant efforts, Balds would spend the next thirty years continuing to play clowns, freaks, and Nazis.

And then in 2001, the world changed forever.

A Breakthrough Bald arrived who shattered Hollywood’s glass ceiling.  A Bald who broke the unwritten rule that action stars must have Hair, no matter how fake.

His name was Mark Sinclair Vincent.  But the world knows him better as Vin Diesel.



2001’s “The Fast And The Furious” is a landmark film in Bald Culture.  In a vein similar to “The Defiant Ones” before it, “TFATF” tells the story of a Haired man forced by circumstance into an uneasy friendship with a Bald man, and how it opens the Haired man’s mind and changes his worldview.

"He's just like me!"

"Why... he's no different than I."

Paul Walker plays the penultimate Hair, his blond highlit locks glowing with privilege and entitlement, who goes undercover to arrest his Bald target.  But once they meet, he finds that Balds aren’t so different from Hairs after all…  in fact, he could probably learn a thing or two from them.

As the Bald Dom Torreto, Vin Diesel knows his way around an engine (and a woman).  And when the time comes for Paul Walker to bring him in, the hesitant Hair can’t bring himself to do it.  He  lets his Bald brother ride off into freedom rather than turn him over to a corrupt system that would put him away just for the smoothness of his scalp.

The critically-acclaimed film became an out-of-nowhere blockbuster that suggested relations between Hairs and Balds had mellowed from previous generations.  The studio heads took notice, and with dollar signs in their eyes, they decided to make a big bet on Bald.

A New Breed of Action Star.

A "New Breed" of Action Star.

Was the musclebound Diesel strong enough to carry a movie on his own, despite having no Hair? The world eagerly awaited the answer as production began on “xXx”.

I guess.

The Year 2002.

Adopting the formula of the Baldsploitation movies he saw as a boy, and adding a huge studio budget behind it, Vin Diesel created a Bald uberhero for the Mountain Dew generation in an attempt to cement his legacy as The Bald Stallone.  It worked.  When the receipts came in, the new reality was official:  “xXx” made $$$, and suddenly Bald equaled Box Office.

And for a glorious and short-lived moment, Vin Diesel was on top of the world.

The Hairs wouldn’t let him stay there for long.

A big Bald target.

A big Bald target.

The pressure of surviving as a Bald man in a Haired industry did not leave Diesel unscathed.  Baldism was alive and well in Tinseltown, and Diesel’s success only stoked the flames in the hearts of his Haired haters.

Rock bottom.

Rock bottom.

The campaign to destroy him began.  They started inexplicable rumors that he was gay.  They convinced the industry that he was overhyped.  And they dumped him from the “Furious” sequel when he asked to be paid the same amount as  Haired action stars.  After some years in the wilderness, with a string of flops and misfires culminating in the nadir of “Find Me Guilty” (where a desperate and confused Diesel succumbed to wearing a hairpiece), Diesel learned a valuable lesson:  “dance with the ones who brung ‘ya'”.   In 2009’s “Fast and Furious”, he returned to form in the role that made him a star… and proved to Hollywood that Balds mean business.

See “Fast And Furious” in theaters this weekend!



paloma_jimenez_jr_20080606Click here to see Vin’s vivacious wife Paloma Jimenez!

Bana Too Bald for Box Office?

April 2, 2009
Hollywood to Bana:  Grow It Back NOW!

Hollywood to Bana: no Hair, no movie!

In a blatant case of Baldism, the Hollywood producers behind “The Time Traveler’s Wife” have delayed production on their movie until star Eric Bana grows an acceptable head of Hair.

Says Haired co-star Rachel McAdams:

“Eric was the hold-up. He had to shave his head for a different role, for Star Trek, I think.  So we were waiting on Eric’s Hair,” she told Sci Fi Wire.

Bana went Bald to play the evil Romulan Nero in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming “Star Trek” movie. Apparently Baldness is fine for villains, but when it comes to playing a romantic lead, it’s a dealbreaker.  Instead of telling Bana to grow it out, maybe Hollywood should just grow up.

COMING SOON: Vin Diesel returns in “FAST AND FURIOUS”!

April 2, 2009

Bimp Palace Goes Up In Flames

April 1, 2009
Just a reminder:  Balds should always wear sunblock.

Just a reminder: Balds should always wear sunblock.

It’s hard out there for a Bimp.  Just when you’ve selected your favorite Victoria’s Secret model to marry and the future’s looking positively peachy, your Idaho ski lodge burns to the ground in a blaze. Luckily Willis escaped without injury.

Our hearts and prayers go out to The Bimp and his bride.  If you’d like to donate money to the Willises to help them rebuild, click here.

Megan Fox Shaves Her Head BALD!

April 1, 2009
Jennifer's Baldy.

Jennifer's Baldy.

Who’s that girl?

None other than sultry “Transformers 2” actress Megan Fox, who revealed her newly bald pate last night at the premiere for Seth Rogen laffer “Observe And Report“.

The sexy siren shaved her head for an upcoming role in Fox 2000’s remake of “Alien Nation“.  The original 1988 science fiction film about a family of aliens trying to adapt to earthly suburban life was a smart allegory about racism and sexism, and spawned an acclaimed television series which only ran for one season but has since become a cult classic.  In the new film, Fox will play alien Susan Francisco, a “Newcomer” who lobbies for the right to vote.

And speaking of newcomers…  welcome to the club, Megan!



paloma_jimenez_jr_20080606*Click here to see Vin Diesel‘s vivacious wife Paloma Jimenez!


*Click here for Bruce Willis‘s Victoria’s Secret vixen Emma Heming!

34 *Click here for half-assed head-shaver Cassie Ventura!

Emma Heming photos

April 1, 2009

Putting the "mm" in "Emma".

Putting the "mm" in "Emma".

Enjoy this gallery of The Bimp‘s babelicious new bombshell wife.  (NSFW)

Bimp (noun): Bald Pimp

April 1, 2009
The Bimp.

The Bimp.

Is Bruce Willis the coolest Bald of all?  We knew he had married a sexy young swimsuit model over the weekend, but now reports are coming in on exactly how an Alpha Bald picks out his bride:

BRUCE Willis, 54, and his new wife, Emma Heming, 30, didn’t meet through friends, as his pals have insisted in fact, the superstar actor hand-picked her as a perfect stranger.

Emma Hemming.

Emma Heming.

An impeccable source tells Page Six: “During the casting of ‘Perfect Stranger’ [the suspense movie Willis made with Halle Berry two years ago], Bruce was very involved with the casting. In fact, you could say he was extremely involved no matter how minor the role.”

At Willis’ request, calls were placed to modeling agencies to fill the roles of extras and minor speaking parts.

Our casting source said, “He personally went through head shots and when the girls were called in to ‘read,’ he was there in the meeting. It was odd for the star of a movie to do so, but at the time he was single and I guess he needed a date.”

The casting sessions/blind dates went well enough. “He started dating [model] Tamara Feldman, with whom he coincidentally enough had a sex scene,” our insider said.

Then, Heming was selected for a small speaking part. Willis “started dating both Tamara and Emma but obviously, Emma eventually won out,” the source said.


Alpha Bald doesn’t even do this man justice anymore.

Big Bimpin'.

Big Bimpin'.

Name a Haired man (that doesn’t start with the prefix “Al-“) who can order up a bevy of bodacious beauties to be paraded before him for his choosing like this.  Not since Imhotep has any Bald weilded such commanding authority in the pursuit of his lustful whims.  Bruce Willis may not be the most powerful Bald in the universe, but when it comes to the opposite sex, this groundbreaking Baldbanger is blazing trails few Balds have ever traveled.

Thus the invention of a new term is in order:  Bimp. Definition?  Bald Pimp.  Synonym?  Bruce f&%kin’ Willis.

Hats off to you, sir.

You have chosen...  wisely.

You have chosen... wisely.


*Click here for more Emma Heming!


March 31, 2009
The most powerful Bald of all.

The most powerful Bald of all.

Dr. Manhattan, of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ seminal 1986 graphic novel “Watchmen”, stands alone as perhaps the most powerful Bald in the history of all fiction (though some might disagree).

Hair today, Jon tomorrow.

Hair today, Jon tomorrow.

When a scientific experiment goes awry, physicist Jon Osterman is transformed into a blue-skinned enigma with unfathomable control over every cell, atom, and particle in the known universe (the accident also takes his hair, a common DC trope).  The newly Bald Jon is immediately contracted by the United States government and given the name Doctor Manhattan.  He proceeds to carry out any and every order given to him by his Haired superiors, including wiping out indigenous Vietnamese soldiers with a mere point of his quantum-powered finger.  But his social life suffers the same fate:  Jon’s radically-altered perception of life is impossible for his friends and lovers to relate to.   Try as he might, his great abilities are unable to prevent every relationship he ever cherished from falling apart as a result of his “unexpected change”.

Many of us can relate.

It's not easy being Bald.

It's not easy being Bald.

Dr. Manhattan’s story in “Watchmen” centers around his increasing isolation and gradual withdrawal from the rest of human society as he comes to realize more and more how irrevocably different he is from everyone around him.  Whether it was Moore’s intention or not, the tale of Dr. Manhattan is an obvious parable for the Bald Experience in America in the ’80’s.

The abominable Sy Sperling, 1986.

The abominable Sy Sperling, 1986.

It was in the ’80’s that anti-Bald technology blossomed and led to the creation of a lucrative industry.  Surgeon William Rassman pioneered the use of micrograft hair transplants, and founded the hate group New Hair Institute.  Entreprenuer Sy Sperling introduced his even more successful Hair Club For Men to the world, with its famous slogan “I’m not just the president, I’m also a client,” featuring photos documenting Sperling’s own transformation from undesirable Bald to eligible Haired ladykiller.  Hundreds more companies sprung up in their wake.  With some 35 million Bald or balding men in America alone, there was clearly a fortune to be made.

The only problem:  in order to sell their many hair restoration products, companies like Hair Club For Men and NHI would have to convince the populace at large that being Bald was bad.   Awful, in fact.  A disease that needed to be cured.

Consumed by ’80’s era greed, they embarked on a remorseless marketing campaign that would forever affect the Bald community’s standing in the social structure, with hate-filled ads like this one:

The result:  their products flew off the shelves.  Entreprenuers like Sperling became millionaires overnight.  And a generation of Bald men became walking pariahs, wasting the best years of their lives pouring their hard earned money into a variety of different snake oils, or trading their dignity for a lousy toupee  (It’s no mistake that Moore’s Dr. Manhattan is depicted as flaccid and unable to please women sexually).

The Moore Code.

Moore's Code.

With such power and influence at their fingertips, these newly crowned titans of the Hair Restoration industry could shut down anybody who tried to challenge the Anti-Bald narrative they so efficiently concocted and weaved through 1980’s culture.  That Moore was able to hide such a damning indictment of them in the pages of the bestselling graphic novel of all time is just another testament to his unmatched brilliance…  and another layer to examine in his most unforgettable and tragic creation, Dr. Manhattan — the God who wasn’t Haired.

Awesome Commercial

March 31, 2009

If you want to be the best, you’ve got to go Bald.

Side Hair

March 30, 2009
Making a point.

Let's use this opportunity to make a point.

For all that has been written about the Republican Party’s gaffe-prone new chairman Michael Steele, there is one thing no other publication has yet pointed out:  his Side Hair.

For those not in the know, Side Hair means you are not Bald.  Side Hair is what keeps Haired men from joining the Bald ranks with self-esteem and confidence.  Instead, they grip to their fading Haired lifestyle until the bitter end, no matter how pitiful and aesthetically unpleasant they look in the process.

Director/Side Hair enthusiast Ron Howard

Director/Side Hair enthusiast Ron Howard

Side hair is a culturally accepted norm in our society, which is quite strange if you think about it.  Men with side hair run corporations, Wall Street, and even government.  But their undue respect, and the power that comes with it, is simply a result of prejudices left over from previous generations.  Prejudices that have yet to be entirely stamped out.  Prejudices that teach our young men that side hair is still better than no hair at all.

Is it?  Is it, Ron Howard?

If there’s anything the Bald Wall stands firmly against — in neverending, unwavering opposition — it’s Side Hair.  A Bald man with side hair is like a Black Republican:  a confused anomaly ashamed of who he is, desperately trying to stay in a club that crossed his name off the list a long time ago.  He tries to ride the line and play both sides of the court (Bald on top, Haired on the sides!  A little something for everybody!).  It never works, and only burnishes his image as a weakling afraid to make to stand.  He is easily shifted by the slightest wind, chasing popular trends in an attempt to gain credibility, forever seeking to please everybody at once…  and inevitably loses his own soul in the process.

A message for those of you with Side Hair:   Either go big or go home.  GOP Chairmen cannot be fence-sitters, Michael Steele.  Shave it all off, accept who you are, and who knows:  you might find the Republican Party suddenly attracting female fans like it hasn’t since the days of Ike.



